About Me
The story so far

Photography for me is a way to contect back with nature and to experence the wonder of childhood discovery and adventure. Our lives have become too busy and we forget to see the beauty that is all around us. Photography is my way of destressing. I would not have seen as much of New Zealand had it not been for photography, it gave me a reason to explore our country.
I am simply an amateur photographer which means I dont make money from my photography. For me it is the joy of doing what I want to do, when I want to do it, and how I want to do it. We live by enough rules sometimes it nice to have some freedom and express ourselves in the way we want.
My favorite time of day is sunset, and involves some sort of moving water, be in the ocean, waterfalls or rivers. I love the west coast of New Zealand more due to its ruggard nature, lack of people and mans infulence on the land.
Im now taking photos during the midday sun on trips and display as a reference and reminder of what I saw. A lot of my resent trips have been to places I have never been before so they are a reference only. Most photographers only display their best work, but I figured I would share all the places I visit. Most places need to be visited more than once, this way you can then get the best of the area if you know it better.