A review – Photography and Light

“Its all about the light” but is it? In landscape photography this is the blue hour and most common the golden hour (sunrise and sunset time). Trouble is what about the rest of the day, what about overcast and raining days?

Light is unreliable and unpredictable so my approach is simple I deal with the hand that is given to me. I can always come back when light is better. Sometimes this takes years to achieve. Many times as a family we just go for day trips to places we have never been and I always take my camera. Midday light is not the best but I still photograph the scene

Not a work of art but a memory of a family day out and somewhere I’ve never been before Pakiri beach, north of Auckland.

So the above photo was nothing more than a snap, however I know know this spot and know what features are there, what tides would be best and what time of day would have the best light. What the photo doesn’t show is my wife and daughters having fun playing in the surf.

Overcast rainy days are great for waterfall photography. Bright sunny mid days great for long exposures and black and white. Its learning how to adapt your photography to the light. Understanding your cameras dynamic range and limitations are equality important.

Yes I always look at light and its effects on the landscape but remember mother nature doesn’t always play by our rules, sometimes we get lucky and are at the right spot at the right time. Get out have fun explore and take some photos.